Portado por el HMN

Zelda - Oni Link Begins - GP2X Wiz port

Original game: http://www.zeldaroth.fr/us/

Includes "smallpats" from the freepats project:

* Unpack the Wiz port somewhere.
* Download the original game here: http://www.zeldaroth.fr/us/dlolb.php
(I suggest you download the Linux release, but others could work as well).
* Unpack the original game somewhere.
* Copy the folder "data" from from the unpacked original game into the
folder "zeldaolb-us/olb/" of the unpacked Wiz port.
* Copy the folder "zeldaolb-us" and file "zeldaolb-us.ini" from the Wiz port
folder into the "game" folder on your SD card.
* Enjoy :-)

Wiz PC
Walk .................. DPAD ......................... Arrow keys
Run ................... R + DPAD ..................... Left shift + arrow
Action ................ X ............................ Space
Use equipped item ..... Y ............................ X
Attack ................ A ............................ Z, W
Inventory/close menu .. B ............................ Return

Menu/Quit ............. MENU ......................... Escape

Help .................. SELECT + "Help" .............. F1

Scroll ................ L + DPAD ..................... Left ctrl + arrow keys

Map ................... SELECT + "Map" ............... p
Encylopedia ........... SELECT + "Encylopedia" ....... m, semicolon
Lift object ........... SELECT + "Lift object" ....... c
Teleport to entrance .. SELECT + "Teleport" .......... t
Teleport on world map . SELECT + Number .............. Number
Oni Link .............. SELECT + "Oni Link" .......... o

SFX volume ............ VOLUME PLUS/MINUS ............ n/a
BGM volume ............ SELECT + VOLUME PLUS/MINUS ... n/a

Quit (careful!) ....... MENU + SELECT + R + L ........ Alt + F4

* Better key mapping?
* Better timidity patches?
* Optimizations

Beta 1 - http://bit.ly/9hb9LW