Conversación entre Metalbrain y EmuWikiAdmin

2 Mensajes de visita

  1. I just saw that you made some corrections, thanks for your contributions and do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else!
  2. Hi Metalbrain,

    Sorry for not writing spanish, I don't know this language at all. But I translated your post using google traduction and I understand that you are worried about some of the content on ? I understood the part where you say some of the emulators are not updated. I have corrected this. But could you please explain to me in english this part :

    aparecía como "Fuse-GP2X_(Metalbrain)", es considerado como un port más del FUSE, y el enlace apuntaba a mi página en donde subo los archivos, aunque por lo menos en la descripción advertían que la página es de otro proyecto y en ella no se hace mención del FUSE.

    You seem to be insulted by something but I don't exactly understand what it is.

    Let me specifiy that contains emulators emulating 213 machines and running on 49 different platforms. A total of 6454 emulators are classified in our collection. You can't expect one man like me to know perfectly each single one of these emulators. And I don't own a GP2X and there are no editors working on this section specifically right now.

    However I did make something extremely useful to overcome this problem. I've set up a wiki such that anyone who does not like what is written there can just click on the small 'edit' button below the description and change the descriptions. If you don't like anything about the structure, the categories, the descriptions, you can either change it or suggest a change and I'll be more than happy to do it if it makes sense. Please contact me if there are any more problems about the content on the wiki.

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